Trip to Castellon de la Plana and the Fiestas de la Magdalena.

We'll leave Valencia in the afternoon and come back early hours of the morning after the party!


As you already know every city in Spain has a week of festivities where everybody comes together to drink and dance in the streets!
​After Fallas in Valencia they celebrate the Fiestas de La Magdalena in Castellon which is only 70km from Valencia so perefct for those who love festivals!
​The Magdalena Festival is one of the biggest in Casteloon de la Plana. It commemortaes the origins of the city, remembering the journey of the city from a colony of Magdalena to a flat
fertile coastline in 1251.
​These festivities were declared an international tourist interest in 2010.


Despite the fact that Castellon de la Plana is an important industrial city in Spain, it's also a very popular tourist destination thanks to its history and architecture
​Castellon de la Plaaa is considered as a relatively young city as it was only formed in 1252.
​The historical centre is away from the coast.
The city was founded on the plain, but gradually grew to the coast, and now all its avenues and streets overlook the sea.
Today more than 180,000 people live Castellón.

​The city has strongly developed over the last century. It started with the industrial revolution in 1991 and the University of Jaime I was created. Castellon is considered the main city on the 'orange coast' the Azahar Coast.

Fiestas de la Magdalena

It is held every third Saturday of Lent as a nine-day celebration in honor of the founding of the city. More than seven centuries ago, in 1252, the people of Castellón left their mountain fortress to build a city on the plain. Hence the name of the city is known as Castellón de la Plana.

Throughout the week, the city will hosts several concerts, plays, bullfights, fairs and celebrations. The Fiestas of Magdalena in recent years are the most important event in the region and thousands of visitors come to participate


This is the real attraction of Castellón, an unforgettable show of 19 sculptures up to 6 meters high, created with different types of lighting. All "Gaiatas" have their symbolic meaning, and each year hundreds of people create these masterpieces of light in such a way that are unique to each Fiesta de Magdalena.

Official program for March 5th

16 h: Segunda parte de la Ofrenda de flores a la Virgen del Lledó, en su Basílica, con salida desde la plaza Mayor, que recorrerá las calles Arcipreste Balaguer, Mayor, plaza María Agustina y avenida de Lledó hasta la Basílica. Confección por todos los participantes de una composición floral

17 h: Corrida de toros, con toros de Juan Pedro Domecq. Mano a mano de los matadores López Simón y Roca Rey

18 h: FAMM! Bandas. Actuación de las bandas de Alemania, Italia y Polonia en el Passeig de les Arts del Parque Ribalta. Colabora: Grupo UBE

18 h: Teatro: Espiral presenta Ella, él y Salomón, de José Santolaya, en el Teatro del Raval. Patrocina: Fundación Dávalos-Fletcher

18.30 h: Benicàssim Blues Festival en la plaza Mayor con Tomaccos, La Doble Alfonso Band y Big Jamboree. Patrocina: Amstel

19.30 h: FAMM! Bandas. Actuación de las bandas de Eslovaquia y Ucrania en el templete de la plaza del Mar

19.30 h: Mostra Folclórica en la Puerta del Sol con el Grup Castelló. Patrocina: Fundación Dávalos-Fletcher

20 h: Entrada de Moros y Cristianos de Castellón: 40 aniversario de Moros d'Alqueria. Recorrido: Mª Agustina, Gobernador, Asensi, Plaza de la Paz, Gasset, Ruiz Zorrilla, Rey Jaime. Organizan: Moros d´ Alqueria y Junta de Fiestas. Colaboran: FACSA y Ruralnostra

21:30 h: Mascletà multicolor en el Puerto Pesquero (calle Treballadors de la Mar) a cargo de Pirotecnia Reyes Martí, y a continuación, Homenaje del Distrito Marítimo a las Reinas

23 h: En el recinto de conciertos de Castellón, gran concierto de Carlos Baute. Patrocina: Amstel

23 h: Actuaciones musicales en todos los sectores de las gaiatas de Castellón

23 h: Castillo de fuegos en el PAU Gumbau, a cargo de Pirotecnia Turís

23.30 h: Verbena en la plaza de las Aulas. Organiza: Colla del Rei Barbut

00 h: Concierto de la Orquesta Mediterráneo en la avenida Rey Don Jaime

00 h: Verbena con la Orquesta Tranze en la calle Luis Vives. Organiza: Colla Bacalao