Spanish Night with FREE PAELLA, Beers and Sangria! And the most famous Happy Erasmus BEER PONG Tournament in Valencia, and there is a reason to be! A night in a typical Spanish ideal to make new friends and enjoy! FREE ENTRY FOR EVERYONE!
How does the Happy Beer Pong Tournament work?
- Book online from this page to guarantee a place for your team.
- Each team can have between 2 or 3 people (paid per team)
(You can also sign up at the beginning of the tournament at the bar but the number of teams is limited.
If you don't have teammates, don't worry! We will help you find partners :)
- You must pay attention to see which table you´re playing next
- The referees will explain the rules before you start the game (but the basic thing is to put the balls inside the glasses of the rival team. If the ball enters the glass, it is removed and they must drink, if they run out of glasses they are eliminated)
- The tournament is eliminatory. There can only be one champion team!!
Price: € 7 per team during earlybird offer (10€ per team later)
Teams can be 2 to 3 people.
The price includes (for each player):
- Participation in the tournament
- All the beer you have to drink during the game *
- a plate of paella
- a beer or a sangria
* If you don't like beer, ask the person in charge of organizing the tournament
1st Prize: a Happy Erasmus excursion on the weekend.
2nd Prize: free participation in the next Happy Tournament
Low Cost Prices!
Also, with your digital Happy Erasmus card, Marbella offers you discounts for any other day of the week that you want to go with your friends (same prices until 1am).
You don't need to book to enter the party! You only have to pay in advance the registration of your team if you want to participate in the Beer Pong tournament

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