Medidas de seguridad establecidas debidas a COVID-19.
En todas nuestras actividades se garantizará el máximas cumplimiento de las medidas de seguridad:
- los autobuses serán tratados con ozono y desinfectados regularmente antes y después de los servicios.
- El uso de mascarillas será obligatorio para que todos podáis disfrutar sin correr riesgos.
- Desde Happy Erasmus aconsejamos hacer todo tipo de gestiones on-line (tales como las reservas de las actividades, y evitar ir a la oficina para que sea más seguro para todos).
This is a week of partying and celebrations in the streets, with people from all over the world who come to experience this wine festival (this is the most famous area for Rioja wine). You can't miss it!
This is a week of partying and celebrations in the streets, with people from all over the world who come to experience this wine festival (this is the most famous area for Rioja wine).
The San Fermin festivities also known as Sanfermines are celebrated every year in the city of Pamplona, the capital of the Foral de Navarra community.
This festival is from the 6th-14th July and during this time, like Fallas in Valencia the city becomes the set for many activities including the famous and well known running of the bulls.
Immortalized by Hemingway, the running of the bulls is when the bulls are guided through the streets of Pamplona.They last around 3 minutes approximately and start each day of the festival.

People from around the world come to Pamplona to celebrate this festival with the locals, it is also a wine festival as the region of Rioja where the best wine in Spain is made is very close and the vineyards and wine culture in these lands is inseparable from the daily lives of people around here.
There is a program of celebrations every day, such as the running of the bulls, the parades of the Gigantes y Cabezudos, musical bands, fireworks, street parties, and concerts. The city never stops during these celebrations!

The day is a fantastic party in the whole city! With food and drink all day and night and music that fills the streets of the city.
Please note -Happy Erasmus WARNS OF THE DANGERS OF PARTICIPATING IN THE RUNNING OF THE BULLS and recommends that you ONLY WATCH. Every year there are serious injuries to those who are not experts.
Everyone can bring their own food and drink to save money, but you will be able to buy something cheaply in the streets.